Challenge #23: Photo Safari

Challenge #23: Take a picture of the most childlike spot in town.

I purposely waited until I was “out” of town to do this one. Yes, Salt Lake City has its childlike spots, but I knew I was on my way to a town that houses one of THE most childlike spots in the world.

Over Labor Day weekend my family and I vacationed to Anaheim, California. It was a trip that we had been planning for almost a year. The reason for going was so that I could run the Happiest Race on Earth – Disneyland Half Marathon – which I did, and beat my time from my last half marathon. And, of course, while we were there we got ourselves 3 day park hopper passes to Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. And, let’s face it, Disneyland is definitely childlike! What better way to bring out the kid in you!

All right, all right, so Disneyland is expensive. And many childlike wonders are absolutely free. (In fact, my original thought for this challenge was to take a picture of the Olympic fountain at Gateway.) But I know that for me as an adult, Disneyland brings back childhood memories that no other place can. Even if you’ve never been there before, being there reminds you of your favorite Disney movies, shows, characters, and songs, and before you know it you’re skipping down Main Street USA to the tune of “Flitterin'” or “Let’s Have a Drink On It.” (And if any of you can tell me which Disney movies those songs are from I will crown you the Awesomest of all Awesomeness!) Seriously, I would pay for a full price ticket just to sit on Main Street and listen to the ragtime music and people-watch. It’s THAT amazing!

My sisters’ kids of course had a swell time. But all of us adults made new childlike memories, too:

My mom ventured to try California Screamin’, a roller coaster that even I won’t go on!

6 adults entered a log on Splash Mountain and got the most drenched ever (amazing how much more water comes in the boat when you don’t have a couple of children to round out the weight…)

I ate a corn dog… and thought it was mighty tasty!

I got my picture taken with Boba Fett. How many people can say THAT?!

Many of us found silly ways to pose for the pictures taken on rides such as Space Mountain and Splash Mountain.

I went on Jumpin’ Jellyfish, and got made fun of by my 15 year old nephew.

My mom tricked me into believing that her chocolate covered pomegranates were confiscated at the front gate. I was almost in tears over the whole thing! She’s so tricksy!

My brother in law, who is also a marine, kept playing with the “explosive” TNT outside of Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin.

And many other misadventures! This was probably one of my most favorite family vacations to Disneyland (even though we missed one sister and her family who couldn’t make it). The music, the laughter, the happy screams, the junk food, the “kid” rides, the costumed characters, the bright colors, the families who wear matching outfits, ah yes, all these and more bring a smile to my face just thinking about it! My camera broke, so I really don’t have any more photos right now. And for some reason Facebook won’t let me download pictures, even if I’m tagged in them. So I will have my sisters email me more pictures so I can post them to show more good times! I hope you get a chance to visit the Happiest Place on Earth some time soon!

Challenge #22: This Little Light of Mine

Challenge #22: Do Something to Make the world a better place.

What?! Are Kim & Jason serious? Well, not always. In fact, they’re often downright silly! But what I mean is, what could I possibly do to make the world a better place? And I thought Challenge #19 was going to be the hardest…

Well, I’ve been thinking about this challenge all week and by last night I still had no ideas. But then a good friend of mine called me. Her name is Karla and I met her a year ago when I was an advisor for the Child Development Associate Credential. I coached her through the process of earning her CDA and we decided we liked each other too much to not develop a friendship as well as a business relationship. Anyway, when she called last night she started out by saying, “I’ve got something to say to you and you better listen.” Whoa. Scary. Then she proceeded to tell me how grateful she was that I was her advisor for her CDA and how grateful she is for my friendship. (I’m paraphrasing – she really went on and on about how wonderful I am, which kind of made me want to hide my face in embarrassment, and totally made me cry.) Well, I’m pretty sure her words of praise and love didn’t exactly make THE world a better place, but by golly they certainly made MY world a better place!

So that’s when I began to think of ways I can make the world’s of those around me a little bit better. Below is a list of things I did today to hopefully do just that. Some of these things (like #3) I do often, some not so much (like #6). But I’m going to try to do these little things as much as possible in the hopes that other people will then pay it forward in their own way. I can’t affect the entire world at once, but I can affect one person’s world at a time.

1. I wrote “Boungiorno Principessa” on Stacey’s bathroom mirror this morning. (If you don’t know what that means, ask an Italian, or just watch “Life is Beautiful.” Or both.)

2. I shared half my blueberry bagel with strawberry shmear (Such a fun word to say, shmear!) with a coworker.

3. Each time I used the restroom at work I made sure the paper towel was dispensed for the next person so they wouldn’t have to turn the disease-riddled wheel.

4. I said “please”, “thank you,” and “you’re welcome” as often as it was appropriate to do so.

5. I let my staff know how awesome I think they all are.

6. I didn’t get mad at anyone in traffic and calmly got out of the way of people who wanted to go faster than me. (This is a big deal for me, peeps!)

7. I allowed the lady at the box office for Centerpointe Legacy Theater to pick my seats for me since I had to change my tickets for “Anything Goes.” She seemed so excited to give me third row seats. I prefer to sit in the balcony so I can look down on the whole stage. But I couldn’t burst that excited little bubble of hers. I just couldn’t.

Anyway, nothing I did was earth-shattering. Not by a long shot. All I know is how much I appreciate the little things others do and say for me. And that’s all I hope I did: little things.

“…by small and simple things are great things brought to pass…” – Alma 37:6 (The Book of Mormon)

Challenge #21: Thanku Haiku

I was going to apologize for taking so long to post this blog… then I realized that I do that quite a lot lately. So instead of saying sorry I’m simply going to say here it is! What you’ve been anxiously awaiting!

Challenge #21: Write a haiku about the things you are thankful for and put it somewhere to serve as a reminder.

God and Christ, music,

Dawn Stockdale, fantasy books,

Family, dark chocolate,

Disneyland, children,

Laughing so hard that I snort,

Movies and t.v.,

Running outside, FOOD,

Sunny days and starry nights,

Hugs, smiles, friends, love.

Of course I couldn’t write just one stanza. I’m a bit of an overachiever like that ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, having completed Challenge #21, I am officially halfway through Kim & Jason’s Escape Plan. (There are 40 challenges, but remember how I skipped #16? Yeah, so that makes this the halfway point. I know, I know, I’ll get back to it. It’s a toughy for me, okay? GOSH!)

Though completing these challenges has not given me more time, spared me from struggles, or made me any money, they have given me a different perspective, spared me from boredom, and made me moreย  childlike – and childlike is a synonym for happy ๐Ÿ™‚

Challenge #20: Instant Karma

Challenge #20: Right an old wrong.

This week for the Kim & Jason Escape Plan Challenge, I’m to right an old wrong. Well, the fact that I’m blogging is almost like righting an old wrong. I used to be so on top of this, but since I made the switch from working part time to working full time… I feel like I’m never home. A few years back I was working full time, going to school part time, and occasionally teaching night and/or weekend classes. I remember being able to balance my life just fine back then. But now I’ve got to get back into the swing of things. Still seeking outย  my sea legs. I’ll get there, one day at a time.

So really for this challenge I was a little stumped. Many of my “old” wrongs are so old I don’t remember them anymore. I’m sure there are quite a few. If anyone out there has been a victim to an old wrong of mine, please let me know and I’ll do my best to right it. I’m going to try to right wrongs along the way from now on. But that still doesn’t quite complete this challenge, does it?

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

So instead, I’m taking a leaf out of Kim’s book. She righted an old wrong to herself and her husband that had to do with her health. I’m doing the same thing – minus the husband. Last year I got down to my lowest weight ever. I wasn’t even that thin in high school! I was elated that I finally broke through a weight loss plateau that had plagued me for many many years. I was almost at a size 8, but very happy and comfortable in my size 10. I vowed I would never go back to size 12 or higher.

A few months back I let my emotions take charge of my eating. I still exercised – I LOVE to run – but my food intake was terrible. I’ve stopped overeating, but still only lost about 8lbs of the 20 I had put back on. Now I’m working on getting rid of the rest of it. I can’t really right this wrong today, but I can start righting it. Again, I work out all the time. I’m in training for a half marathon. But now I have to figure out where I’m going wrong food-wise. As of yet, I can’t tell if I’m eating too much or too little. I will be experimenting with this and start weighing myself bi-monthly again. (I can’t do it weekly, it depresses me.) I’m also going to pay attention to how my clothes fit. It’s difficult being a woman. We fluctuate so much. I was feeling mighty slim on Monday, and today I feel bloated and gross. Blah. But oh well. I must move forward and conquer those 12lbs… and perhaps a few more…

Challenge #19: Future Forecast

Challenge #19: Spend 10 minutes visioning yourself 10 years from now as having accomplished one of your biggest dreams. Be as detailed as possible; imagine in all five senses.

It’s the 4th of July, 2021. Everyone around me says it’s hotter than hell, but I think it feels perfect in my flow-y knee length skirtย  and short-sleeved blouse. But my body temperature is always lower than normal peoples’, so perhaps they’re right. I thought having kids would change that, but alas it did not. I still get goosebumps in 80ยฐ weather.

I’m standing in Spring Mobile Ballpark in Salt Lake City, Ut: home of the Bees minor league baseball team. I look up in the stands to see my husband and three children waving their hot dogs at me. Though the dust kicked up by the ball players tickles my nose, I can almost smell the hot dogs from here and it makes me smile. Not because I like hot dogs – I hate them – but because my kids love them.

All around I hear music and laughter. The sights and sounds of the crowd do nothing to ease my nerves. No matter how much water I drink my mouth still feels dry – and that has nothing to do with the weather.

They tell me it’s time. I’m handed a microphone and grow nauseous. I look to my husband for support. He smiles that smile that made me fall in love with him, gives me the thumbs up, and mouths “I love you.” I immediately feel stronger. As the announcer instructs the crowd to stand for the National Anthem, I say a quick prayer.

The music begins. My voice sounds as it never has before – so clear and powerful. My heart is racing – not from anxiety, but from excitement. I feel as though the whole world has stopped just to hear me sing. As I hit the last high note (and hold it for an insane amount of time) the crowd cheers louder than I’m sure they will during the game. The song ends. Immediately my eyes find my family again. My children are screaming and clapping enthusiastically. Holding up our 3 year old, my husband smiles and wipes a tear from his cheek. Now I begin crying, too.

I feel a push. As I realize they’re trying to get me off the field, I race for the stands to sit with my family. I’m so happy, I even eat a hot dog!

Celebrating Me: Days 29-30

LDS Temple in Salt Lake City, UT

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today after work I went to the Salt Lake City Temple. I love going there, and I used to go every week. This month I’ve rededicated myself to doing that. Going today was a gift to myself and others, and it’s a gift I’m privileged to give and receive as often as I wish. I’m excited to make the temple a natural part of my week again! Then I went home and Stacey and I watched “Big Bang Theory” while scarfing Red Vines. What bliss!

NYPD Pizzeria in West Valley, UT

Thursday, June 30, 2011

This evening after one job, before another, I met up with one of my most favorite old roommates – Darci. We went to NYPD Pizzeria. I’ve been dying to try it! According to their website, “NYPD Pizza was established in 1996 out of necessity when native New Yorker Paul Russo was unable to find authentic New York style pizza after moving to Orlando, Florida. ” I went to New York 2 years ago with my BFF Dawn and our other great friend Cindy to celebrate our 30th birthdays. We tried New York style pizza at 3 different restaurants. (I mean, of course we did!) We loved it! And I have to say that NYPD does an excellent job of fooling you into thinking you really are eating pizza from New York! I say “fooling” because unless they import New York’s tap water – which is actually awesome and the reason baked goods in New York are so awesome – then it’s not truly authentic. But I appreciate their effort, and I really loved it a lot and will go again!

Alas, June only has 30 days: “Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November.” So I’m done celebrating my birthday, but that doesn’t mean I’m done treating myself like the completely wonderful person that I am ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m back to completing the Escape Plan Challenge and doing little Small Rebellions along the way. I especially want to know what you do to rebel against Adultitis on a daily (or whatever-ly) basis, so please post them here.

Thanks for helping me celebrate 32 amazing years and I hope you’ll continue with me on my journey to escape adulthood. I hope you’ll start your own journey as well!

Celebrating Me: Days 26-28

Lady Liberty

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today I completed my second 3-D puzzle – Lady Liberty – that Dawn got me for my birthday. Then later as I pondered how it’s finally feeling like Summer… I had a nice big mug of hot chocolate!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tonight I went to a silent auction for church. The money goes to the family we’ll be sponsoring this Christmas for Sub for Santa. So I brought $20 to donate. Whether or not I won anything I was still going to donate my money, but in order to celebrate myself I was determined to win something. So for my twenty bucks I got tennis lessons provided by a super athletic guy who I’ve only exchanged pleasantries with once. I really like tennis so I’m really excited for this. I’m hoping I can learn to serve overhand… you know… the way you’re supposed to serve… never been able to do that…

Earrings by Crystal Moosman

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tonight I received 3 beautiful pairs of earrings a friend of mine made for me. She makes and sells jewelry on the side and she knows my absolute love for earrings. She’s hoping to get a webpage up soon so she can advertise, and when she does I will let the world know!

Only two more days to celebrate, then I’m back to annihilating Adultitis!

Celebrating Me: Days 23-26

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today I began feeling better than I had felt previously, but it was such a full day that I almost forgot to celebrate myself. I taught a training class that night and one of the participants asked me if she could buy me something from the 7-11 during the break. Normally I don’t take advantage of nice people when they offer to buy me stuff (unless I’m on a date) but I decided to consider it a birthday present. Since I was thoroughly parched I simply asked for a bottle of water. It was VERY much appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday, June 24, 2011

After a very long week, I ordered myself a pizza from Domino’s – which has become my favorite since they changed their recipe – and had a good, relaxing night in.

Stacey's holding the thingy that lets the servers know if you want them to keep bringing on the meat or just let you digest for a bit.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

After a super awesome 6 mile run, I went to Tucano’s for my first time for lunch. My mom, stepdad, and “baby” sister took me. At Tucano’s you can sign up to receive a free meal during your birthday month. I can’t even describe how much fun this place is. You don’t order anything from a menu except your drink. Then you go to the salad bar and load up on whatever you want, but you shouldn’t load up too much, otherwise you’ll be too full for the best, which is yet to come. As you’re eating, servers come around with various kinds, cuts and flavors of meats. You pick what you want and they put it on your plate. They do this in a circuit, so if you feel like that bacon-wrapped turkey was simply amazing and you’ve got to have more, just wait!

This is the tambourine they gave me during my chair dance. The waitress very kindly let us pose with it.

They’ll be bringing more around. The sweet and spicy chicken was one of my favorites, as was the grilled pineapple (I know, pineapple is not a meat. But still). Toward the end of the meal, some of the waitresses and waiters came out clapping their hands and banging drums. They came to my table, asked me to stand on my chair, and handed me a tambourine. Then they did a little birthday chant as I shook the tambourine while trying not to fall off the chair. It was really fun! But we didn’t think until later that it could have been digitally captured in either picture or video form. Sad not to have that, but Stacey and I got some pictures after.

I had read on Kim & Jason’s blog about rules that don’t apply and Jason posed the question “Will you notice any [rules that don’t apply] today in your life?” After buying some essentials for my upcoming half marathon, I found myself at Sam’s Club looking at surprisingly cute shoes. My instinct told me this:

“You need some black ones because your last pair of black flats broke. You don’t need any that are in the brown or white family because you already have some. Black, brown, white. All the shoe colors you need.”

I told my instinct this: “Says who?”

I did end up buying the black ones because I really did need them. But I also bought some purple ones! Why? Why not? Take THAT, Adultitis!

Quite smashing, aren't they?

Celebrating Me: Days 17-22

Friday, June 17, 2011

Oquirrh Mountain Temple (c)2009 Michael Provard

Today I left work a half hour early. I spread a blanket out on a field of grass and read a book. Then I took a nap.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

This morning I needed to run 5 miles for my half marathon training, but the women from church organized a 5k. So I woke up early and ran 2 miles before the 5k, then ran the 5k. There were about 30 of us and I came in 2nd! Later in the day I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. That night I went with one of my old roommates to see the musical “Civil War.” That was a dual birthday celebration because her birthday was last week.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today at church they handed out cupcakes for everyone who had a birthday in June. So sweet!

Mmm! Pie!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today I ate dessert first during lunch AND dinner!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tonight I got myself a Reese’s Peanut Butter Shake.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today I was supposed to have lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in a while, but she over-scheduled herself ๐Ÿ˜ฆ On top of that, I’m coming down with a cold so I haven’t really felt much like figuring out some way to celebrate, especially since I’ve been working all day and still have to work tonight. However, my BFF found a super sweet deal on airline tickets so I booked my flight for California for October when her firstborn get baptized and her almost-born gets blessed! Can’t wait for that!

Celebrating Me: Days 14-16

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tonight I ate all the chocolate in my candy jar while diving into season 2 of “The Big Bang Theory.”

The Looking Glass Wars

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This evening 2 of my sisters took me to Olive Garden for dinner. They told the waiter it was my birthday, but Olive Garden is cheap – not due to their food prices, but due to their lack of a celebratory flare. So no free dessert and loud annoying song. But the waiter did try to be a bit creative. He brought me a plate filled with Andes mints. The mint in the very center had a candle stuck into it. I wish I took a picture! The best part? I tried unsuccessfully to blow the candle out. So the waiter teased me that it was a trick candle. I finally huffed and puffed and blew that candle out, spraying wax all over as I did so. Good times! Thanks Stace and Les!

"Life's too short. I'm not." - Kristin Chenoweth

Thursday, June 16, 2011

After work I decided that to celebrate today I would buy a new book and read it at the park. And why not get some ice cream on the way? I bought “The Looking Glass Wars” trilogy at the suggestion of my dear old friend Ike, then got a shake at Maggie Moo’s. Well after I went to Barnes and Noble, I never made it to the park, due to an unexpected communication with a new friend of mine that led me instead to meet up with him at yet another Barnes and Noble – where I bought Kristin Chenoweth’s autobiography – and a Cold Stone Creamery. Can’t have too much ice cream, right?

Then a surprise party showed up in my inbox. Kim & Jason Kotecki are launching an online membership of the Escape Plan, and that extremely generous pair offered it to me free of charge! Love it! Love them! Happy Birthday to me!